Front-End Developer, Product Designer (UI/UX)
Project Managers: Lola Rudin, Adriana Sgro,
+ 5 more individuals
Design: SmartDraw, Illustrator, Photoshop
Code: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Fall/Winter 2018-2019 Work-Study
The University’s Scarborough Library underwent significant accessibility changes and developments in Fall 2018, evolving into a network of multiple facilities.
The Wayfinding Project was designed to provide a system to create a positive library navigation experience by helping people choose the right place to work at and reach their destinations quickly. I worked for the UTSC Library Makerspace to help incorporate those changes by digitalizing the floor plan. This project was the combination of Design, Code and Math (Coordinate Geometry).
For this project, I took a goal-directed design approach. I found qualitative research methods to be the most useful which consisted of user and stakeholder interviews and persona construction. Since I was the only designer and developer on the project, I also had to take in any technical constraints in consideration. I started exploring some questions to get a better understanding of the problem space.
I spoke with the staff to get a better understanding of their requirements, and some of my peers at the university to get of why and when they use the library floor plan.
"We are looking to have a cleaner map with necessary symbols." — Staff Member #1
"Library architecture has changed, new changes need to be implemented. Accessibility is very important and special attention will be paid to it throughout the course of this project. Double check the color scheme, make sure the page can also be accessed using only Tabs" — Staff Member #4
"I usually use it before exams to find a study space where I can work with my friends, do group discussions or when I am tired of sitting at the same place and want to know what other options I have. It'll be useful to know if there is a charging point in the room to charge my laptop." — Student #3
Diana is a 3rd year student at the University of Toronto, St. George campus who is taking a course at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus. She has an exam in 2 days and has been looking for spots in the library where can work with her friends, engage in group discussions to prepare for this exam. She is looking for a navigation resource that tells her about the different features in the room.
We divided the project into 4 phases
I received a version of Paper Maps for two floors which I converted into digital design using Smart Draw to align the dimensions, entrances and exits.
I chose Sandy Brown Color for the Call To Action Buttons
I was provided with the following information to create pop-ups:
I used Coordinate Geometry to map pop-ups on top of the map.
Complete Information breakdown can be found here.
The spaces were divided into Facilities, Collections and Services and Staff Areas for easy navigation. Complete categorization can be found here.
The final version of interactive maps involving popups is currently on the University of Toronto Scarborough Website for first floor and second floor.